Janome Memory Craft 8000 Janome Memory Craft 8000 - This is the latest information about Janome Memory Craft 8000, this information can be your reference when you are confused to choose the right design for your home. Ratty daddy dinkdum janome rocks what we like or don 39 t Janome Memory Craft 8000. Do you see the beautiful handicrafts on Pinterest? Surely you really want to learn how to make it. But maybe you feel you have no talent or time to learn it. Though making handicrafts is a myriad of benefits. Still not sure?

Read the 5 benefits of handicraft learning below. Reducing Waste One of the unique and very useful things about making crafts is that there are many items that are not used anymore that can be used. Almost all garbage and the items we dispose of can still be converted. Various kinds of objects such as used cans, used bottles, snack boxes, plastic bags, etc., will be beautiful objects after processing.


Because it is made by hand, the resources and energy used are also far less than manufactured products. Treatment for Addiction A study shows that making crafts can avoid and treat people from addicted substances such as drugs and alcohol. Those who are undergoing rehabilitation from illicit addiction will usually be included in the craft program.

This kind of program has proven to be very effective for therapy. Making crafts improves emotional states, sensory experiences, patterns of behavior and thoughts so that they can change their perception of the world.

As a result, they gradually need not use prohibited substances in the face of life. Meditation Crafts can absorb a person's concentration so they will be in conditions like meditation.

In this condition, all anxiety and fear will disappear and people can forget time. You can also choose the type and level of difficulty of the craft so that you can have full control over your achievements.

When a person succeeds in completing a craft or rising level of expertise, satisfaction and pride can improve one's mental state. Cure Depression Handicraft activities have been proven to prevent and deal with depression. This activity triggers parts of the brain that produce chemicals that make feelings feel happy. In fact, handicrafts can be as effective as anti-depressant drugs in fighting mental illness. Instead of poisoning the body with drugs, it is healthier and cheaper to try handicraft therapy.

Improve Mind Agility Handicrafts are a very easy way to take control of uncertain environments. When someone is in a new or stressful situation, taking a moment to make a craft can make the feeling much calmer. Achievement in making something useful also increases confidence in their ability to adapt.

Other research also shows that those who engage in creative activities such as handicrafts experience increased mental agility.

Elna Su Sewing Machine Manual

. 57 Answers SOURCE: You can do all of these stitches by using different combinations of your stitch selector, stitch width and stitch feed knobs, for instance, on the panel I can see on your machine: Stitches 1, 2 & 3 are straight stitches, centered, left and right.

Really basic stuff, not different stitches at all. 4,5,6,7 & 8 are zig-zag stitches of different widths. 9 is the widest zig-zag (no.

8) on a finer stitch length, etc. I think you should try and get an instruction manual for your machine. After a lengthy search of my usual manual sources, I've determined that that this may not be so easy.

I think you should contact White on their 800 number and let them try and help you. If you found this helpful, please vote generously as I receive nothing other than acknowledgement for my time. Posted on Mar 08, 2008. This isn't possible. There needs to be slack in the thread in the direction of the stretch in order to achieve this and there is none to speak of in a straight stitch. The best you can do is to use one of the zig-zag types, depending on what you need to sew. For manuals, look here: and here: and here: and here: The last link may be your best bet (scroll down the list) and whitesewingcentre.com is very also good but you'll need to state the exact machine type - there are more than one Elna Jubilee models.

Jan 04, 2015.