The NJATC on behalf of the IBEW and in cooperation with the United Association of Plumbers and Pipefitters (UA) is presently administering a certification exam for a Journeyman Wireman to demonstrate his or her proficiency in the field of instrumentation. This program is one method for a Journeyman Wireman to assess his or her skills in the field of Instrumentation. The testing and evaluation process, monitored by the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI), provides a formal, independent assessment of the knowledge and skills of Journeyman Wiremen. These certification exams can be locally hosted by JATCs. Successful candidates have been posted to the NJATC's website and are listed with EPRI for use by prospective employers and utilities requiring preemployment knowledge assessment in the field of instrumentation. IBEW-UA Instrumentation Calibration Certification - An Overview Individuals wishing to participate in the IBEW-UA Instrumentation Calibration Certification Program must take both a Written Test (Part A) and a Practical Test (Part B) to meet the minimum requirements for this certifications.

To be eligible to participate in this testing and evaluation process, individuals have 2 possible methods of prequalification. The first method requires that individuals must have attended and completed an approved IBEW or UA instrumentation class. Programs that have existing instrumentation training programs other than that offered by the NJATC can have their curriculum reviewed by the NJATC to determine whether or not it meets the minimum requirements as set forth in this partnership between the IBEW and the UA. The second prequalification method requires that the individual document five (5) years of instrumentation 'Calibration' experience. All documentation must be submitted to the local sponsoring organization prior to the test session for review and approval.

Part A - The Written Test Once prequalified, those seeking certification must sit for a written test. This test is comprised of 200 multiple-choice questions covering the various aspects of instrumentation, electrical and mechanical theory, and instrument calibration. This is a closed-book test; any resources required for completing the test will be supplied by the test proctor. A 4-hour time period is allowed for completion of this test. There is no grandfathering; all applicants that are requesting to certify are required to take this test. This test can be hosted at any electrical training ALLIANCE approved location and is open to both members of the IBEW and UA. The test is proctored by an independent professional testing service acting as a representative of the electrical training ALLIANCE.

This independent proctoring process provides a level of independence between the IBEW and UA sponsors relative to the testing process. Part B - The Practical Test Once an individual has successfully completed the Written Test, he or she is eligible to take the Part B - Practical Test. This Practical Test is a hands-on proficiency test. Participants will be required to perform various calibrations on an assortment of different instruments using the test and calibration equipment provided.

This portion of the certification process is performed on a one-on-one basis by a IBEW-UA Certified Test Administrator. The Test Administrator will be observing and validating the process that the individual uses to ensure that the procedures are performed according to recognized industry standards.


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The Part B Exam is presently being administered at approximately ten locations scattered across the United States. Any local JATC can become a certified test facility. JATCs and/or related parties interested in becoming a IBEW-UA Certified Part B Test Facility should contact the NJATC for details. A Manual of Guidelines in PDF format detailing the testing process is available for review.

Download Manual of Guidelines Part B - Test Format This Part B Test contains two types of evaluation processes: Discussion (D) and Performance (P). Discussion steps are administered to the test participant simply by asking the test participant a question or series of questions. The goal of these Discussion questions is to evaluate the participants overall knowledge of various aspects of the field of instrument calibration. The Performance portion of the Part B test is comprised of a series of calibrations. In this section of the Part B Test, the Test Administrator will instruct the test participant to perform a series of calibrations over a variety of instruments using the necessary tools and equipment as provided.

The various discussion questions, as well as the performance questions are all scripted so that individual test participants are all evaluated using a specific set of evaluation criteria covering the field of instrumentation calibration. By using a scripted test process, all test participants are evaluated using the exact same processes while evaluating the exact same topics. The Part B Test is a pass/fail test.

The calibration equipment and instrumentation listed below are provided for use by the test facility. You will be expected to select the appropriate test equipment from the test equipment provided when performing a calibration on the transmitters and field equipment during the exam. This exam is strictly an evaluation of calibration process and does not cover/evaluate the mounting or installation of the devices. Instrumentation Level 1- Fundamentals Of Instrumentation. And More Train-The-Trainer This is a hands-on course which provides training in the skills required to install and calibrate instruments used for process control applications. This is a basic course which emphasizes those skills relating to specific instruments used to measure pressure, temperature, flow or level: and identified as the basic understanding required by anyone working in this rapidly changing industry.

A trainer is available for hands-on training which makes this course the best available for electrical workers wanting to develop instrumentation skills. Journey-Level WorkerTechnical Instrumentation Training Instrumentation for Journeymen; A detailed course that provides the full range of learning objectives through classroom study and lab exercises such that a Journeyman is prepared to work in the field of instrumentation. The course also provides detailed instruction into the requirements for the IBEW/UA Instrument Certification Exams, Part A and Part B. A social networking site will be available to those students completing this course. This site will assist those wishing to obtain a final review of their knowledge before taking the EPRI Part A exam.

At the present time, testing is being performed on an 'as needed/as requested' basis. JATCs wishing to schedule a Part A Certification Test should contact Ruth Peacock at 301-715-2300 for information or download a Test Host Request Form.

Once a JATC requests to be a host, the NJATC will contact the UA to provide notice to the UA of the Test offering. Presently there is no charge for the exam, but a testing proctor will be needed. The NJATC will arrange for a proctor to 'oversee' the exam process to maintain validity. Please note, test sites are made available to both IBEW and UA members alike. Scheduling a Part B Certification Test at your JATC requires additional coordination between the local JATC and the individuals scheduling to take the Part B Test. Remember, the test is performed on a one-on-one basis with the Test Administrator and the hands-on equipment kit must arrive at your JATC prior to the test dates.

A minimum of thirty (30) days advanced notice is required to schedule either examination at your facility. This time buffer gives the NJATC time to announce the test to all surrounding IBEW and UA programs. Individual Renewal An individual's period of certification is displayed on their respective credentials. Certification expiration is based on a three year cycle. It is the individual's responsibility to keep his or her certification current. The individual's certification period will be updated and displayed on a new credentialing certification card provided to the successful renewal candidate by the NJATC.

Please review the manual of guidelines (section 4.0 and 4.1) for additional information on Part A and Part B renewals. Part A A certified individual may renew Part A certification by re-taking the Part A Exam or take the Part B (hands on) exam successfully. Individuals that hold an expired credential for the Part A may also recertify at the Part A level provided their expired certification period ending date and the current date has not exceeded a time period of more than two years. Part B A certified individual may renew Part B certification by supplying a work history requirement of 1200 hours minimum within the current three year certification. A current Instrument Certified participant may also seek to renew their certification by taking the Part B Exam successfully. New credentials will be awarded with the latest exam date as the beginning date for a new three year time period.

If an individual's certification period has expired, the individual may re-certify at Part B by taking the Part B Exam successfully. The Part B Exam must be challenged and passed within two years of the date of expiration stated on the individuals certification credential.

The NJATC on behalf of the IBEW and in cooperation with the United Association of Plumbers and Pipefitters (UA) is administering a certification exam for a Journey-Level Worker Wireman to demonstrate his or her proficiency in the field of instrumentation. This program is one method for a Journey-Level WorkerWireman to assess his or her skills in this field. The testing and evaluation process, monitored by the Electrical Power Research Institute (EPRI), provides a formal, independent assessment of the knowledge and skills of Journey-Level WorkerWiremen. These certification exams can be locally hosted by JATCs or AJATCs. Successful candidates have been posted to the NJATC's website and are listed with EPRI for use by prospective employers and utilities requiring pre-employment knowledge assessment in the field of instrumentation. IMPORTANT: To search for a successful candidate, please select LAST NAME or TEST LOCATION and hit enter once you have inserted your search term.

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