Opel Corsa Opel Corsa is a mini car. Since its birth in 1982, Corsa has already spawned many derivatives in different markets.

And now, its newest design, its fourth generation is built in Germany and Spain. The front-wheel drive Opel Corsa was first launched in September 1982. Built in Zaragoza, Spain, the first Corsas were three-door hatchback and two-door saloon models, with four-door and five-door versions arriving in 1984. But despite of Corsa?s global popularity it has never been available in Canada and in the United States.

RonnieE answered 7 years ago Hi Francois, you sound like a sensible man, I have an Opel Corsa 1.6IE Classic 4 door year 2000 - it too is cutting out for no reason and we have tried everything from fuel lines to spark plugs and it has been to umpteen mechanics who have not been able to sort the problem out. The other day my husband was running the car without the fuel cap and she would not cut out so we thought it might be a breather problem which he checked and cleaned but still it was cutting out so now I am driving with my fuel cap slightly loose and have had no problems for two weeks but alas yesterday she cut out on me again, I am at my wits end now and am seriously thinking of selling the car - please help me we have tried everything.

Could there be water in the fuel, another theory???? - Where is the drain plug for the fuel tank. My email address is Ron.Edward@seedex.co.zw (yes I live in Zimbabwe so you know how frustrating it is here). George answered 3 years ago Hi, same issue with my Corsa lite 2000, replaced crank sensor, bogey's, distributor pack and more. Still cutting out. After replacing crank timing sensor car drove fine for a week, then started to strugle firing up and finally not start at all after a couple of days. Tomorrow I am checking the sensor allignment, if that is fine the last option i can think off is replacing the crank pulley.

This i hear is known problem in these model cars.the timing gear/tooth wears down. Johann answered about a year ago People please do not fall for money makers. Corsa is a very simple and reliable car, if you know the basics. First of all. 15 degrees on crank timing??? On that pulley in the photo? And even if it was, 15 degrees wont cause the problems you have.


Corsa has 4 major components that needs to be working and in good order 1, idling sensor 2, TPS, 3, throttle body butterfly position 4, timing overall. TPS tells the idling sensor where the butterfly is on startup and assists in idling, calculating airflow and fuel, therefor the butterfly needs to be at the exact precise setting to make all this work 100%, again as long as your timing is in order, simplest way to see if your timing is right and doing what its suppose to do buy a timing gun at MIDAS or anywhere and check on idling if your cam pulley mark is were its suppose to be when firing on cyl 1, also when you ref up the engine see what your mark on pulley does? If it jumps around or moves back by more than 10 degrees its time to change your cam belt tensioner, getting back to your throttle, Also see if the map sensor works by pulling out the map sensor hose 6mm hose at the throttle not at the map sensor and while car idling suck strongly on hose and if the rpm goes up it works just fine.

Opel Corsa Review

Remember to close the metal hose on the throttle with your finger while doing this test. Any more questions contact me direct. Anthony answered about a year ago Hi Johann you seem it be very knowledgeable when it comes to Corsa motors, I have a 2005 1.4 Corsa utility.

When I start it it wont rev for about 2 minutes, it has no power and tends to overheat. I have put it onto 2 diagnostic computers and no errors come up. I had an auto electrician check it and he found no problems. He and I together checked the timing and everything lined up.

I also replaced the sensor on the crank shaft pulley. The only problem that I know exists is a hole in the exhaust pipe. Do you have any idea as to what the cause might be. Thanks Anthony 083 269 8559. Israel answered about a year ago Hi Johann and Members. I have a 2001 Corsa B with a C14NZ engine.

The car idles normally. However, it backfires and struggles for power when attempting to accelerate. On the highway I've resorted to driVing in second gear to make the have some sort of power.

Opel Corsa Interior

When the car is driven the outlet manifold is becoming red glowing hot where the Oxygen sensor is connected. I have recently changed the spark plugs amd wires but this problem continues.

Opel Corsa Troubleshooting Guide

Can you give me any guidance on how I can resolive this issue? Thanks Israel.