The Jab drivers on this forum have banned me from making any comment about Jabs so I won't Example: Shepparton, Narrandera, Narromine: 297 nm and 3.6 hours on the meter. Of that time I reckon aorund.6 -.7 was taxiing, warm up and stuff like that. I know that sounds like a long time but it was early morning and cold when I left YSHT, then we landed and taxied in at YNAR and then had to queue behind a Rex aircraft. Then at YNRM we had two very long taxis in a queue of aircraft. So that leaves 297nm in 2.9 hours that means 102.4 knots average. Of course those distances don't include joining and flying a circuit. As well the speed includes time in the circuit at slower than cruise speeds and I slowed down in some turbulence for about 20nm.

  1. Tecnam Sierra For Sale
  2. Tecnam 2016 Sierra Flight Manual Pdf

The Dynon in the aircraft was showing around 109 TAS - it calculates TAS. From memory I would have been at 4800rpm. These particular aircraft top out at 5000rpm on t/o and maybe 5050rpm in fast cruise.

Nowhere near the Rotax redline. Fuel for the whole 3.6 hours was 54 litres or 15 litres/hour. Or do it another way - take off 7 litres for the taxi time and you are left with 2.9 hours and 47 litres: 16.2 l/h. I flight plan on 105 knots and 18 litres. The speed is pretty accurate in practice and the fuel is conservative. I think the trip up was at A035 and back at A045 from memory. BTW the trip back substituted West Wyalong for Narrandera and came up with exactly the same hours and within 1 litre on fuel.

Can't remember about winds. I use Narromine as an example but it is pretty indicative of what you get. Regards Mike. Hi there, this is my first post.

I thought I'd add my 2 bobs worth to this thread. After much test flying, debate and deliberation the Temora Aero Club took delivery of a new P2002 low wing Sierra on the 24th of May 2007. The aircraft is RAAus LSA registered for 600kg MTOW and is used predominantly for training. It clocked over 200 hrs last week. It has only basic VFR instrumentation but is fitted with a Garmin 295 GPS, Transponder and SL40 radio. Notes on its operation thus far in the training environment: 110 kt cruise @ 5200 rpm (run on avgas) 200 hrs from first set of tyres (poor quality, 1 puncture) coolant leak in first 50 hrs tracked down to a loose hose clamp Two broken muffler springs (attachment lugs modified rectified problem) Shuddering brakes (pins require regular lubrication) It is a fantastic aircraft which handles beautifully and is admired by all who fly her.

Tecnam Sierra For Sale

The only negative comment received by typically GA pilots with limited RAA experience is the amount of right rudder required on takeoff and climb out which can catch the uninitiated out on their first flight. Last week one of our club members who is learning to fly at present purchased a 2003 model P92 RG. The aircraft currently has 100 hrs on the hour meter. After reading the earlier post on this thread this morning we decided to fly the aircraft and perform a few simple performance checks given the variations reported by some owners. 9.30am 02/10/07 YTEM conducted at 4000' full fuel 535 kg take off weight 5200 rpm 110 kts IAS (107.4 ground speed average verified by GPS) Clean stall 50 kts IAS 15' flap 45 kts IAS Full flap 41 kts IAS Gear extended 15' flap 45 kts IAS Regards Lindsay.

Lindsay hey thanks for your test, you are wonderful pople all of you, this unbiased information is gold to any new/pilot prospective purchaser!! I am now convinced the average difference is 7 knots between the RG and the fixed gear version. 113 they claim on website is a little rich. BTW - How come you get to go flying on such a wonderful day.I am very jealous.

Tecnam 2016 Sierra Flight Manual Pdf

I will see you in the skies (not too close up - obviously) in my tecnam soon. I have decided to go the RG model as long distance cruising is what I want to do. Now to find a good second hand one else I will buy new. Cheers all tim. Hi Lindsay/Tim, The older wing is on the P96 Golf and the P92 Echo series (low and high wing respectively). The newer tapered wing is on the P2002 Sierra and the P2004 Bravo (low and high wing respectively).

In addition the Bravo is a cantilever wing. I don't know the numbers on the Bravo but it may be the pick of the aircraft - I would guess that it's faster than the P92 and yet has the robustness of fixed gear.don't know about price. Also interesting to note that 50 knot stall speed. My experience is that the clean 1g stall speed on the P92 at MTOW is at least 50 knots. Pilot beware. Regards Mike. Hi Paul, There could be a couple of issues here.


First is I am sure of my numbers as far as the instruments and MTOW are concerned. I'd just gone through this exercise for another reason (see the thread on stalling in Training section) and we were certainly at MTOW with two big blokes and full tanks. The other is that there may be instrument error - but 10 knots sounds a lot. This also isn't an isolated example we've also had higher figures in turns than you'd expect.

BTW Tim flapped stalls are at lower speeds so don't worry too much - I use the same approach speeds as you are taught. Regards Mike. With such a low BEW the ZFW and Operating weight of the day are going to make a difference to the stall speed - however the book figures should be quoted at MTOW (544kg). Personally I have not seen as much variation in pitot/static systems on the Tecnams as has been suggested here. My own view is if you are flying your own aircraft, or one particular aircraft mainly, get to know it - and you will. I am confident I know what to expect from my Tecnam and the safe envelope to fly it in.

And to be honest, the figures from the Flight Manual are pretty much spot on. My approach is 60 Knots until about 50 FT, I will slow to 55KN from there in benign conditions if I need to. If conducting a full flap approach (rare for me at my 800m home strip which alway has a crosswind) the speed washes off very quickly just after touching down, so the extra 5KN in the air will not make huge difference to your landing distance in the full flap configuration. VLo is 70KN in th RG and Vfe is 60KN.