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  2. Ireceivables Mcdonalds

IReceivables Links iReceivables - Terms and Conditions The Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport (DFW Airport) Oracle i-Receivables Web based software is available to current Accounts Receivable (A/R) customers and potential A/R customers to the DFW Airport. The i-Receivables application enhances the exchange of A/R information and enables secure transactions between the DFW Airport and our A/R customers using the Internet and our Oracle i-Receivables Portal. A/R customers can monitor their A/R activity; manage account balances, review and print invoices and review payment receipt and application. The User Guide is designed to assist you with learning the functionality of the Oracle i-Receivables Portal.

There is an abundance of functionality that exists within Oracle i-Receivables. When utilizing the Oracle i-Receivables Portal, please ensure that you use Internet Explorer as your Browser.A/R customers should designate one person (Primary User) to ensure all data is entered correctly and maintained in their profile management. Other A/R contacts may be added by the A/R Primary User so that the system may be accessed and allow for communication between DFW Airport’s Finance department and the customers A/R staff. Please review the User’s Guide. If you have any questions regarding the i-Receivables functionality, please contact DFW Airport’s Finance Department staff, Collection Assistant, by email Other Resources.

IReceivables - Terms and Conditions The Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport (DFW Airport) Oracle i-Receivables Web based software is available to current Accounts Receivable (A/R) customers and potential A/R customers to the DFW Airport. The i-Receivables application enhances the exchange of A/R information and enables secure transactions between the DFW Airport and our A/R customers using the Internet and our Oracle i-Receivables Portal. A/R customers can monitor their A/R activity; manage account balances, review and print invoices and review payment receipt and application. The User Guide is designed to assist you with learning the functionality of the Oracle i-Receivables Portal. There is an abundance of functionality that exists within Oracle i-Receivables. When utilizing the Oracle i-Receivables Portal, please ensure that you use Internet Explorer as your Browser.A/R customers should designate one person (Primary User) to ensure all data is entered correctly and maintained in their profile management.

Other A/R contacts may be added by the A/R Primary User so that the system may be accessed and allow for communication between DFW Airport’s Finance department and the customers A/R staff. Please review the User’s Guide.

If you have any questions regarding the i-Receivables functionality, please contact DFW Airport’s Finance Department staff, Collection Assistant, by email.

Oracle iReceivables Implementation Guide Browser version script Oracle iReceivables Implementation Guide Release 12.2 Part Number E48858-06 Configuring Oracle iReceivables This chapter covers the following topics:. Configuring iReceivables iReceivables includes the configuration package ARICONFIG, written in PL/SQL. The ARICONFIG configuration package can be used to modify attributes in iReceivables without having to make changes to any other part of the code. ARICONFIG contains in two files the variables and functions for this configurable component.

The two files are ARICNFGS.pls (package specification) and ARICNFGB.pls (package body). The ARICNFGS.pls package specification contains variables referenced in the ARICNFGB.pls package body. Functions and procedures in the package body are referenced elsewhere in the iReceivables code. Users can modify these components using the ARICONFIG configuration package:.

Account Summary page information section. Account Summary page discount alerts and dispute statuses section.

iReceivables transaction search and customer search Note: The other iReceivables components previously configurable using ARICONFIG are now managed by the tech stack. See: Configuring and Troubleshooting Oracle HTTP Server with Oracle E-Business Suite for more information.

Users can also:. Customize the Dispute pages.

Edit iReceivables messages using the Oracle Application Object Library. Modifying the Account Summary Page Information Section A company can provide its customers with access to additional information on the Account Summary home page, such as news, FAQs, and policy statements. The right side of the Account Summary page is devoted to displaying additional information.

When the Account Summary page is rendered, a call is made to the procedure ariconfig.gethomepagecustomization. This procedure returns the HTML code that is rendered in the information section. The procedure gethomepagecustomization takes the following parameters:. user id.

customer id. customer site use id. encrypted customer id. encrypted site use id. language With these parameters, users can create dynamic content, such as marketing messages and personalized account information.

For more information about the gethomepagecustomization parameters, see the documentation included in ARICNFGB.pls. Modifying the Account Summary Page Discount Alerts and Dispute Statuses Section A company can configure the display of discount alerts and dispute statuses for each customer or external user.

By default, the left side of the Account Summary page, below the customer's account summary, displays discount alerts and the status of open disputes for the accessing customer. If a customer does not have invoices eligible for discount or does not have open dispute requests, iReceivables either displays the messages “No Discounts” or “No Credit Requests” or, if preferred, iReceivables does not display this section at all. Users can control the display of discount alerts and dispute statuses using the customization functions in the ARICONFIG package. Both functions operate in the same manner:. The function returns a RENDER flag, indicating whether or not to render the region ( Y or N).

The function returns override HTML to replace the actual table. If the function returns Y for the RENDER flag, iReceivables displays the current data or displays the messages “No Discounts” or “No Credit Requests” if there is no data. If the procedure returns N for the RENDER flag, the region is not displayed. Depending on the customer or on the business needs, users can also replace the default messages with custom messages or information display. Viewing Attachments in the Account Summary Page The Attachment section in the Account Summary page enables users to add, update and delete attachments. This section is hidden by default. Perform the following steps to enable the Attachment section:.

Select the customer and navigate to the Account Summary page. Navigate to the Personalize Page settings. In the Personalization Structure table, scroll down to attachment, and click the Personalize button.

In the Personalization Properties table, set the value of Rendered property to true at the Site, Organization, or Responsibility level. Click Apply. The Attachments section is now available in the Accounts Summary page. Important: Internal users can add, update, or delete attachments, while external users can only add attachments. If the value of the profile option ARBPAATTACHUPDATEENABLED is set to no, then both internal and external users can only view attachments. Customizing the Dispute Pages Users can customize iReceivables Dispute pages according to requirements. The following customizations can be performed:.

Create customized messages for the Enter Dispute Details page and the Review Credit Request page. Personalize the Invoice Summary table to display invoice flexfields and attachments. Personalize the Invoice Lines region of the Enter Dispute Details page and the Review Credit Request page to display the invoice line flexfield. Personalize the Invoice Lines region of the Enter Dispute Details page to display a Search region to search by invoice line attributes, when there is a large number of invoice lines.

Creating Customized Messages Add customized messages to the Message Dictionary for the Enter Dispute Details page and the Review Credit Request page. Messages can be created based on the lookup types CREDITMEMOREASON and ARIINVOICESECTION in these formats:. Enter Dispute Details page - ARIDD. Enter Dispute Details page: Invoice section - ARIDD. Review Credit Request page - ARIDR. Review Credit Request page: Invoice section - ARIDR Note: The Enter Dispute Details page displays the default message when no customized message is defined. Example This example provides custom messages for the dispute reason code DAMAGEDGOODS.

Define a message called ARIDDDAMAGEDGOODS that reads: 'Please attach a digital image of the damaged goods.' When the user selects this dispute reason, the Dispute Details page displays this additional instruction message. Along with the message, users can also personalize the Dispute Details page to enable attachments.

If this kind of dispute will take longer to process, define an additional message called ARIDRDAMAGEDGOODS that reads: 'We will process your dispute within the next 7 business days. If you do not receive a response within this time frame, please email us quoting the request ID.' Configuring the Contact Us Global Button Email Address The Contact Us global button on the tool bar is a “mail-to” (HTML) link. When the user clicks the Contact Us global button, the user's email package opens with a new outgoing message pre-addressed to the contact person in the To field.

Setup Tasks The setup tasks for personalizing the email information if new to iReceivables are:. Enable Contact Information rule. Create a new rule as required giving values for the following parameters:. Customer. Customer Site Use.

Language String. Page.

If the rule is not set, then the contact information is taken from WEBHTMLCALL attribute of the ARICONTACTUS function. To set up rules, see:. Related Topics Form Functions Window, Oracle E-Business Suite Security Guide Extending the iReceivables Search Users can extend the iReceivables transaction search and iReceivables customer search to include additional search attributes according to business practices. Transaction search is extended by providing additional transaction search attributes in the Status and Transaction Type lists on the Account Details page. Customer search is extended by providing additional customer search attributes in the Search By list on the Customer Search page. Custom code for custom search attributes is provided using the following procedures in the ARICNFGB.pls file:. searchcustomtrx for the custom transaction search.

searchcustomcustomer for the custom customer search. These procedures are called by the client Java code whenever users initiate a search using the additional custom search attributes. To extend the iReceivables search:. Use the Lookups window to define look up codes for custom transaction or customer search attributes. Use the Messages window to define error messages that refer to validations on the input parameters.


Write the code for the custom search attributes defined. Related Topics Message Window, Oracle E-Business Suite Developer's Guide Editing iReceivables Messages Use the Messages window in the Oracle Application Object Library to edit iReceivables messages according to the needs.

All iReceivables messages use the prefix “ARI” or 'OIR' in the message name. Warning: Do not perform either of these actions while editing iReceivables messages:. Do not insert returns. Inserting returns into HTML-based messages can cause a fatal system error. Do not modify text strings that contain an ampersand (&). These text strings are parameters that iReceivables replaces with actual values.

For example, the text strings &trxtype and &salesperson represent the transaction type and salesperson name respectively. IReceivables cannot display these messages correctly if these strings are modified.

Before editing iReceivables messages, make a copy of the Message Dictionary runtime message file and store it in a directory protected from upgrades. The Message Dictionary runtime message file is located in the directory: $ARTOP/mesg/ Note: System Administrator and Application Developer responsibilities access is required to perform this task. Related Topics Implementing Message Dictionary, Oracle E-Business Suite Developer's Guide Custom Templates for Statement Downloads Users can customize the Statement Download templates present in the Accounts Summary page as per requirement. The Statement Download option launches a report based on the template selected. Custom Template without Data Template Perform the following steps to customize:. Select the customer and navigate to the Account Summary page.

Select the Account tab. The Template LOV lists all available templates.

Select the template to be customized from the LOV. Click Export. This launches the report. Ensure that this is the correct report that needs to be customized. Note the template name. Navigate to the Home page. Select XML Publisher Administrator responsibility.

Click Home and select Templates. This launches the Templates Search page. In the Name field, type the name of the template to be customized. Important: Note the data definition used by the template.

If creating a new template, use the same data definition to view the template created as LOV in Account Details page. From the search results, select the link for the template. This launches the View Template page. The template file is available under the File Name section. Select the Download option and save the template locally.

Open the downloaded template. The data fields in the template are grayed out.

Important: The first column will always have F prefixed to the text. This indicates that from this point onwards, the data is to be repeated for each row. Each row will end with a column name that is suffixed with E. When new columns are added, ensure that the first column is prefixed with F. Select a data field, right click, and select Properties. Click the Add Help Text button.

This launches the Form Field Help Text window. The text box shows the data source for this template. Note this down. See to identify the attributes that can be used to this template. Save this template under a new name using the Save As option under File. Open the saved file and make the required modifications to the template. Copy and paste an already grayed out field and modify its properties.

Right-click the field and select Properties. In the Text Form Field Options window, in the Default Text field, provide the new attribute name. Select the Add Help Text button.

This launches the Form Field Help Text window. Modify the value in the text box to the exact attribute required in the customized report. Please note that this field is case-sensitive.

Be sure to start the first column with F as prefix and end the last column with E as suffix. The attributes for these should be the same as the one given in the VO attributes list, for the data to loop against a given header context. Save the final template with the RTF file format.

Navigate to XML Publisher Administrator and select Templates. The Templates Search page opens. Click Create Template to upload the new customized template. Give the new Template Name and Code. Under Applications, select the appropriate application, for example, iReceivables. In the Data Definition, use the Search option and select the correct data definition for the new template.

Use the Browse button to select the saved version of the new customized template. Select the Type as RTF. After successful upload, the file can be found under Localized Templates on the View Template page. Navigate to iReceivables responsibility.

The Account Details page will have the new template as part of the Templates listed. How to Identify Available View Objects (VO) Attributes Perform the following steps to identify available VO attributes that can be added in the template:. Navigate to the Home page and select iReceivables Internal User responsibility. Select the customer and navigate to the Account Summary page.

Click Account to navigate to the Account Details page. Click the About this Page link. The About Page: Account Summary page opens. Expand the Business Component References Details section to see the View Objects list. Click AllDebTrxTableVO link. It shows the attributes of the VO.

These attribute can be used in the Templates above,. Additional Information: Header information in the templates comes up from the VO, CustomerInformationVO. Custom Template With Data Template Perform the following steps:. Select the customer and navigate to the Account Summary page.

Under the Statement Download section, the Template LOV lists the available templates for statement downloads. Select the template to be customized from the LOV. Click the Download button. This launches the report. Ensure that this is the correct report that needs to be customized. Note the template name. Navigate to the Home page.

Select XML Publisher Administrator responsibility. Click Home and select Templates. This launches the Templates Search page. In the Name field, type the name of the template to be customized. From the search results, select the link for the template. This launches the View Template page.

The template file is available under the File Name section. Select the Download option and save the template locally. Important: Note the data definition used by the template. If creating a new template, use the same data definition to view the template created as LOV in Account Summary page. Open the downloaded template.

The data fields in the template are grayed out. Important: The first column will always have F prefixed to the text. This indicates that from this point onwards, the data is to be repeated for each row. Each row will end with a column name that is suffixed with E.


When new columns are added, ensure that the first column is prefixed with F. Right- click a grayed out field and select Properties. In the properties window, click the Add on Help Text button. The Form Field Help Text window opens. Note the data source for the template. In the application, navigate to Home and select the XML Publisher Administrator responsibility.

Under Home, select Data Definitions to open the Data Definitions page. In the Name field, enter the data definition noted from the template, for example, iReceivables Customers Statement Data Definition, and click Go. From the search results, select the correct data definition. The View page opens. Select the Data Template file (xml file format) under Files to download and save the data template. Make the required changes to the data template to get the required values (through queries) for the customized report. See for some of the tags used in the data template.

Select the Update file button to upload the modified data template. Now, open the previously saved template file (step 6). Select File, click Save As. Give a new name and save the file.

Open the newly saved template and make the required modifications. Copy and paste an already grayed out field and modify its properties. Right-click the field and select Properties. In the Text Form Field Options window, in the Default Text field, provide the new attribute name. Select the Add Help Text button. This launches the Form Field Help Text window. Modify the value in the text box to the exact attribute required in the customized report.

Please note that this field is case-sensitive. Be sure to start the first column with F as prefix and end the last column with E as suffix. The attributes for these should be the same as the one given in the VO attributes list, for the data to loop against a given header context. Save the final template with the RTF file format. Navigate to XML Publisher Administrator responsibility and select Templates. Click the Create Template button. Give a new Template Name and Code, as desired.

Under Applications, select the appropriate application, for example, iReceivables. In the Data Definition field, search for and select the correct data definition, for example, iReceivables Customers Statement Data Definition.

Under Template File section, click Browse. Select the customized template. Select the Type as RTF from the LOV.

After successful upload, the file can be found under Localized Templates in the View Template page. Navigate to the Account Summary page for the customer. The Template LOV under Statement Download will have the new customized template.

Tags Present in the Data Template The following are some of the tags present in a data template:. dataTemplate: This is the starting tag defining the data template. The name attribute is used as the starting/parent tag of the output xml. For example, CustomerStatement. So, the output of this data template would be enclosed between. properties: There are many properties which define the outcome of the data template. Some of the properties used are:.

xmltagcase: The value for this is asare. This defines that the elements mentioned in the dataStructure needs to be in the same case in the output of this template. By default, if this property is not set, the element names are converted to upper case. includerowsettag: The value for this is either true or false. The default value is true.

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This can be used if the sqlStatement might return multiple rows. When set to true, the output xml includes a row set tag with the name LIST, for example,. If this property is set to false this tag is not included in the output. dataQuery: All the queries defined in the template must be enclosed in this tag. This can contain one or more sqlStatement tags with queries defined. sqlStatement: This tag holds a single sql query, which can be either a select statement or procedure call.

This has an attribute name which is used in the group tag in source attribute. The query may contain bind parameters. The bind parameters are passed by iReceivables code.

The parameters passed are created as tags in the output xml. dataStructure: This tag holds one or more groups based on the number of sqlStatement in the dataQuery tag. group: This tag contains the elements defined in the group. The group tag has two attributes, name and source. The name attribute is used as the tag in the output xml and source attribute is where the sqlStatement name is defined. A group is always formed based on a source which is either a query or a procedure.

element: The element tag defines the name of the element which is seen in the output xml. The element tag has two attributes, name and value.

The name attribute gives the name which is displayed in the output xml and the value tag gives the value from the query which is defined in the source of the group. Purge Process To purge the print records and user session details records from OIR tables, run the following two concurrent programs. Purge User Session Data: System Administrator can run the concurrent program Purge ARIRECPURGEUSERACCTSITES Table to purge user session data from the ARIRECUSERACCTSITESALL table. It is recommended to schedule this request to run daily.

Input parameter is the purge date. If provided, all records up to the purge date are deleted from the table.

If it is not provided, then all records which are one day older than the system date are deleted. This CP is present in the request group OIR Request Group All, which is assigned to iReceivables Internal User (ARIINTERNAL). Purge Print Requests: System Administrator can run the concurrent program Purge ARIRECPRINTREQUESTS Table to purge the ARIRECPRINTREQUESTS table, which is populated when the customer gives a print request. Can be scheduled based on customer need.

The CP takes current date as the default parameter. If the date parameter is not provided, the table is purged automatically, matching the FNDCONCURRENTREQUESTS dates.

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This CP is present in the request group OIR Request Group All, which is assigned to iReceivables Internal User (ARIINTERNAL). Installment Number To view the Installment Number of the transactions on the Account Details page, perform the following steps:.

Enable personalization. Navigate to the Account Details page. Click the 'Personalize: This table displays the results of ' link. On the Installment Number row (dbtInstallmentNumberCol), select Update Item. In the Personalization Properties table, select the Site value of Rendered as True. After the change has been saved, click the Return to Application link. Installment Number of the transaction is now displayed on the Accounts Details page.

Diagnostics Reports There are two diagnostics reports available for iReceivables, Ireceivables Internal report and Ireceivables External report. These reports can be used for troubleshooting or for viewing various parameters of the application instance. Perform the following steps to execute the reports:. Select the Application Diagnostics responsibility from the Oracle E-Business Suite home page and click Diagnose. In the Diagnostic Tests page, click the Select Application button. Select Receivables from the Search page. Navigate to iReceivables and select it to view the two diagnostics reports.

Select the report you want to run and click Execute. Important: You must have Applications Diagnostics responsibility and executions privileges for the particular test to run it. Ireceivables Internal Input parameters for this report are Responsibility Name and Operating Unit. The report provides the following details:. List of applied patches. Profile Option values. Rules.

Oracle ireceivables user guide r12

CVV Encryption. Guest User Responsibilities. Lookups. List of Users having iReceivables 2.0. Internal, iReceivables account. Management, iReceivables 2.0 Anonymous Internal responsibilities. Function exclusion for responsibility iReceivables 2.0 Internal.

Function exclusion for responsibility iReceivables Account Management. List of personalizations. MO Org settings Ireceivables External Input parameters for this report are Responsibility Name and User Name. The report provides the following details:. List of applied patches. Aging details.

Customer Index Data created or not. Guest User Responsibilities. User Information consisting of the accounts the user has access to.

Register here link settings For more information on diagnosis, see Oracle Diagnostics Framework User's Guide.