Kardex Remstar Parts Manual

Kardex Remstar horizontal carousel systems provide high productivity solutions for storage and retrieval. After analyzing your specific requirements, a Kardex Remstar carousel warehouse system can be customized based on a range of heights, widths, weight capacities, and carrier configurations. There are many advantages to horizontal carousels including;. Increase order picking throughput up to 600%, items are quickly delivered to the operator. Reduces cubic storage space requirements 4o% to 60%, freeing up valuable floor space. Improves accuracy to 99.99% – indicate what and how many items to pick. Reduce man-hours by up to 77%.

Kardex Remstar Parts Manual

Reduce inventory by providing better management. Performs at nearly 100% uptime.


Rugged construction and design require little maintenance. Systems often provide an ROI in under 12 months to learn how our customer doubled their storage density, improved ergonomics and increased their order picking volume using horizontal carousels, software and light-directed picking.

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For more information. K1200r 2018 manual.