Yes - if your editing results in the flag being no longer necessary, it can be removed. For example, say you saw the question 'What is the value of Pi to ten decimal places' - and the answer had been flagged as gibberish, because someone had answered 'ten pieces of pie'. If you were to replace tha t answer with the correct one of 3., you can remove the flag - as the question no longer has a 'gibberish' answer. If the answer has multiple flags, only remove the one(s) you're correcting.

  1. Human Anatomy By Marieb Pdf

Protestantism is the breakaway religions from the Catholics church. The entire Catholic Church is under the authority of the Bishop of Rome or the Pope. The Church has within it of; ordained Deacons, Priests, Bishops and Patriarchs, and the Pope. James II was crowned in Londo n 1685. William of Orange lived from 14 November 1650 to 8 March 1702.


He became King William III of England of Ireland on 22 January 1689, and King William II of Scotland on 4 April 1689, in each case ruling as joint monarch with his wife, Mary II, until her death on 28 December 1694, and then ruling as sole monarch. The Battle of Boyne is between Catholic king James and Protestant William of Orange. The act of Union happened in 1801 it was signed by George III in august. This is because of different religions throughout the country.

Animal Heroes Jo Ann Altsman and her husband, Jack, of Beaver Falls, Pennsylvania, had given their daughter a Vietnamese potbellied pig as a gift, but it seemed their daughter didn't really want it. After asking her parents to pig-sit while she went out of town, she never picked it up. So Jo Ann took in the pig, named LuLu, as her own. One morning Jo Ann collapsed onto the floor. She had had a heart attack. She was not unconscious, though, and was able to yell for help. LuLu approached.

She looked at Jo Ann and started to cry, Jo Ann reports. Jo Ann says LuLu produced tears and made crying sounds. Next the pig pushed out through the little door the Altsmans had created just for LuLu and the family dog. The door was a little too small for LuLu, and she cut her belly on the way out.

Then, even though she had never left the yard on her own before, she somehow managed to push the gate open. She trotted out to the street. There LuLu waited for cars. When a car came by, she lay down in the street with her legs up in the air. The first person who drove by was afraid to get out of the car. But the next driver stopped, thinking that the pig was injured and needed help.

Human Anatomy By Marieb Pdf

To his surprise, LuLu got up and led the man to the house to Jo Ann. The driver telephoned for help.

When the paramedics arrived in just a few minutes, LuLu tried to get into the ambulance with Jo Ann. The paramedics shooed her away gently. Thanks to LuLu, the story had a happy ending. Jo Ann got to the hospital in time and had heart surgery. Doctors say that if only 15 more minutes had passed, she likely would have died. Suzuki outboard service manual. LuLu was rewarded with a jelly donut by Jo Ann.

In addition, the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals honored LuLu with a special award for bravery.