Kitchen training guide

Share. LinkedIn. Facebook. Twitter 1 6 Step Training for New Line Cooks All new Cooks walk in their first day feeling good about themselves. They feel good about their new position or new job.

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They are excited and determined to succeed. There is usually an underlying anxiety as well. They need to prove that they are worthy of the promotion or their new line cook position with Bill’s Kitchen.

New Day Excitement Without support, a new cook quickly loses that first day zing. I remember a Trainee who was newly promoted from Salad Station to a Line Cook position. Within the first month the Trainee was overwhelmed and was pining for his former job. He had excelled in his former position; in his new position as a Line Cook he was floundering. His anxiety took root and planted doubts. By the second month, he told me he was constantly questioning himself and his abilities.

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And, most importantly, he hated his new job. A new employee needs to be coached, inspired, and challenged. Like all employees, they need to know what they “do” really matters - especially in the context of working with their Kitchen Team. When dealing with the Kitchen Team, there’s a lot on the line. Ironically, our most “un-experienced” Line Cooks impact as many Guests as our experienced cooking staff. An Organized Training Plan One of the best ways to show a new Kitchen Team Member you want them to be successful is to present an organized and well thought-out training plan on their first day.

Organized is the operative word here. A structured plan for learning is reassuring and announces to new team members that you know they have things to learn and that it’s okay. It tells them that you are giving them what they need to be successful. It takes the pressure off. How detailed and elaborate your training plan is, depends on You the New Cook the Kitchen Manager and the job requirements.