
. 2017 PLTW EOC CIM Final Exam 2017 PLTW EOC CIM Final Exam It’s that time of year again!

  1. Cim Final Exam Study Guide World History

Cim Final Exam Study Guide World History

I am now receiving at least 20 requests per week that sound something like this: ” Can you give/share/sell me your final exam questions, resources, study guides?”. The short answer is NO.

District policy prevents me from sharing any assessment resources that I utilize in the teaching of any and all courses including CIM. I have two suggestions: SUGGESTION 1: As you teach each section of the course, develop 5 or so multiple choice questions from the powerpoints and the key terms given, then give them as quizzes throughout the year. This is a pain the first year, but makes every year after that much easier. This is what I do, and every year I add a few to my bank of questions.

I then choose 50-75 questions from this bank at the end of the year, and call this my final exam. Again, due to disitrict policy, I cannot share. THEN: SUGGESTION 2: 2.


Check the content map on the Assessment course of the PLTW LMS. This will tell you approximately how many questions there are on the final exam from each unit.

This will help tremendously when your students study for the final exam. I put a picture of the one for CIM below from 2017. For the latest greatest version check the PLTW Assessment LMS often.

Written by on April 6, 2017. Posted in Tags:,.

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